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Epiez. Mother's Day

Sunday, May 12, 1918

Awakened to find it raining Put on my new issue jersey It certainly is nice. Spent a good part of the morning censoring the men's mail.)

Went over to Goudrecourt and Montie with Elliot in the Mail truck. Bo't 3 p-cards at Goudrecourt Letter from Gladys Blake. Cashed a 50 fr check at Y.M.C.A.

I have been thinking a good deal about leadership and have decided that leadership comes only with self-mastery. I have quite a little to do haven't I, Ze? 

I heard a Yonkers preacher speak on "Mother" He said "The greatest in Life is the problem of Self-mastery." Compare with my statement above.


Monday, May 13, 1918  
I am taking Clapp's turn at Officer-of-the day while he with Hoover does some buying for the Officer's mess. Cassard the old Officers-of-the-Day and I had no special orders. Manufactured an informal guard Mount & pulled it it off. I spent the morning teaching the corporal's and reliefs how to post the guard reliefs. 

In the afternoon Lt. Walker Post Adjut. balled me out for neglect of orders as Officer D.

Slept in the Guard house Headquarters and inspected the guard at 1:30 and 2 PM.

Mac Arthur returns from Jonchery with beaucoup ammunition

Letter from Mrs. Darlington