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Saturday , May 18, 1918

No busses to fly all morning. Attended Intelligence Office meeting this morning

Fired pistol and rifle about 75 rounds spent a part of morning in Hangars. Studied maps in p.m. 

Played the 147th a memorial game Licked them 9-7 much to our satisfaction. Took a little starch out of their conceit

They put on a real barbeque for the evening Had the 55 R.F.C. Day Bombing Squadron as visitors as well as some Medical Friends from Neuf Chateau Real Jass Music which Prinz took advantage of Met Watress who was at Armour Heights last summer Jerry Prinz Bergs Plyler figured much in Dog Piling


Sunday, May 19, 1918  
Up late- After breakfast news comes from Major Bonell that a team is to play the Colombey team this morning 1st Rosenbloom (Doc), Bill White (C) Gorman (P), (Bugs, P.), 2nd Ashenden, ShortS Norton, 3rd Elliot, C.F. O'Neil, L.F. Raible, R.F. Miller. 

Played a hard game with the Colombey team but as they got three runs start, in 1st inning on Raymond we were unable to make up for it. Score 4-3

Our men played also and lost because pitcher went under Left beaucoup francs behind us when we came away. I played a poor game This war does some strange things A year ago I never expected to be playing Sunday baseball in France today.