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Monday, May 20, 1918

Lufbury [[Lufbery]] brought down in flames yesterday. Jumped out of his buss at 2000 ft into the Meuse. Fell in a field across a fence.

Blodgett of 95 Sqdn killed after accounting for three or four Huns.
Germans have put three more squadron's on this sector recently.

Had a pistol contest with Major Hartney. He won by 10 pts. Spent afternoon and evening studying maps in Intelligence room. MacA has finished syncronizing & sight-setting a machine for each flight.

MacA challenged 147th to a pistol contest.


Many star shells this evening up Colombey way

Tuesday, May 21, 1918  
Huns over aerodrome 7.45

MacA and I and Norton dashed out to go up and get them. Norton went up but MacA machine had a bust tail-skid and I couldn't get one with the machine-gun ready. Norton came down after 50 min. Didn't locate the Huns.

Report Huns over Goudrecourt. Several went up. Kelly who was cranking Elliots buss had his head cut open and his left upper arm broken. "Doc" Arnold and I took him to Base Hospital 66. He stood the accident very well. LETTERS from Mother Marj. Case and Gladys Blake,

Transcription Notes:
Raoul Lufbery a famous ace, in war from early on in the Esquadrille Lafayette. The river he was flying over was the Moselle.