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Sunday, May 26, 1918

Nothing doing all morning. Everything dud. Lovely weather. Hun scare but nothing resulted.
In P.M. we embark on board a truck and move over to Neuf Chateau to play the billiard team of Base 66. Game delayed till late by reason of enlisted men's game. When we once started in things livened up a bit but they beat us 3-2 The team and rooters stayed for evening meal 

Maj Hartney was over at Base 116 for tea.

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R.F.C. pilots came over from 55 Sqdn. for dinner [[/left margin]]

My Machine & Ducks arrived 

Monday, May 27, 1918

Back to work. MacA and Lt Roberts are kept very busy with Machine guns' for now have a ground gun to test out our locks with. Every one goes around with a lock and emery cloth--take them even to dinner table. 

27th now has quite a menagerie Four rabbits, 2 ducks, a rooster and Jerry /- quite an amusing side show. I wonder where we shall keep them when we move. Plans are on foot for a Barbeque to-morrow nite. Only 27 and Many Nurses from Base 116. Here's hoping