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[[strikethrough]] Epiez [[/strikethrough]] to Toul
Saturday, June 1, 1918

Planes seemed to be going over here all night I never heard of such air traffic.  The 94 & 95 here seem to be a decent bunch of men.

Wanny informs us he is deposed as Flight O/C. Ruck Plyler MacA and I fight it out and finally I take over Command being senior member of flight.  Major Hartney says we must furnish a patrol to-morrow morning so we hop to it  Get busses as near ready as possible  All but guns on 18 are fixed  Plyers ship put in running shape not mag. trouble at all


Toul - First Show

Sunday, June 2, 1918

A flight first patrol from 6 - 7:30 B flight. 2 pat. - 9 - 10 C flight 3 patrol 11:30 - 13 o'clock.  Patrol - to maintain a barrage against E.A. (photographic) on this sector Commercy to beyond Nancy.

MacArthur was Standby for A flight Lt. Heinrich led our patrol which did very well although we saw no Huns.  Quite a thrill to see the lines for the first time.  147 did patrol in p.m.  94 does alert duty and 95 has special patrols Fierce fight at 3:45 when 94 went out to meet returning DH4 bombing who had many Huns on their tails Davis of 94 Came down in flames over lines.  Maj & Hudson Chase Hun [[right margin]]but fail to locate the bugger.  Lt. Heinrich brought down Hun by colliding[[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
mandc: "lines" probably refers to the trenches or "front line" of battle? *Yes