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Wea. Snow  JANUARY 30    Ther. 26
When I awoke this mourning I felt much better, I think all that I needed was a good long sleep or rest. I worked eight hours from 8 to 4:30. I told Mr. May about the notice I received yesterday and he said quote" "It is to bod this had to happen just when you were getting along with your work so good and doing a marvelous job." That was the first complement I received in the whole year that I worked there although I know that they sort of valued me and my work. After supper I saw Dr. Black. about the draft and he said I may pass all the tests. I am to go with the next group in February. Ed and I went to Johnsonburg. We came home about 10:00. Went to bed at 11:00

Transcription Notes:
morning misspelled too bad mispelled