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Wea. Clear.  MAY 3  Ther. 80

I got up at 6:15. After cleaning up I had breakfast. Walley called up at the main gate about 9:00. Shearer and I went out to meet him. I sure was glad to see him. He arrived at Hampton last night at 900 and slept at Fort Monroe with the corporal of the Guard. During the morning I showed Walley as much of the field as I could. Corporal Savage said he could sleep in Bob Fosters bunk and also eat at the mess hall. I was put on guard duty from 2:00 to 5:00 guarding two trucks. After supper I took Walley down to the Service Club where we read books and threw darts. I introduced Walley to some of the fellows and he thinks they are swell. Before we went to bed we ate some of the oranges Mother sent down. Got to bed about 10:30. Walley and I also went to confession.

Transcription Notes:
Name of Fort Monroe on another page. Hard to read here.