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Wea. clear    May 27    Ther. 90

I got up at 5:35 and after cleaning up I had breakfast. Norton was transferred to Negative developing and Corp. Ault and another fellow called Jennings are working in the enlarging room now. I'm still developing the prints for them. After dinner a new B-9 Projection printer came - It is another one of those $ 3,500 enlargers. I got a package and a letter from home. The jacket Mother sent fits perfect. After supper Sykes and I went down to the Service club until nine o'clock when we came back to the hanger and listened to Pres. Roosevelts speech. He declared an unlimited emergency. Now no one can get out of the Army. I went to bed about 10:45 P.M.
Fathers day soon.

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Transcription Notes:
grammar and spelling not corrected