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Wea. cloudy-Rain    June 3    Ther. 68
I got up this morning at 4:45 I slept on a bare mattress and under one blanket. Even though I had on my Coveralls I almost froze to death. After turning in all of my clothing in I had breakfast and then filled in my diary. I hope the trip to Maine is a nice one. I worked most of the morning loading the baggage and equipment. After changing clothes I had an early dinner. We fell out in front of the hanger in the rain for the roll call. We marched over to the mess hall and from there up to the Pullman Cars. I boarded Car no 3 and we pulled out of Langley Field at 1:53 P.M. I transferred from Car 3 to Car 4 where Paul Sykes, Turzan, and Applebee had a private drawing room. The last big town we went through before retiring was Washington. The supper was good but we only got enough for an appetizer. The porter made up the bunks and we retired about 9:30. I woke up about 12:00 in N.Y.

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Transcription Notes:
grammar and spelling not corrected