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Wea. Clear          JUNE 6              Ther. 50-8

I got up about 6:30. After cleaning up I had breakfast. The food is a 100% better here than it was down at Langley. During the morning I helped to clean the windows in the barracks and sweep and mop up the floor. After dinner I helped to move a building down by the gate. At three o'clock I took a shower and got dressed in my OD uniform and then went with Walter Hammoth. We met his friend Dr. [[space left open for name]] an english teacher at the University of Maine. He took us out to Orens and then out to the Univ. where he showed us the Labs both chem and physics. It sure was a swell tour. We had supper at his house and then from there we bummed a ride back to Banger. We went to the show "I wanted wings" Very good. I got some pictures at the Bangor Daily News office. We met Howell and the gang. Bummed a ride to the field Bed 12:00.