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Wea. Clear JUNE 28 Ther. 100

I got up at 6:30 and after cleaning up I had breakfast. During the morning I hid in Sgt.'s Busche's room and wrote a letter to Clayton. After lunch I took a shower and dressed in civies. The Sgt. and I went out to Parsons where we went swimming with Thalma. I had a great time in fact it was the best time I have had since I joined the Army. After dinner I got cleaned up to go into town but it started to rain so Sgt. Busch took me up to Stations. He sure is a swell fellow. Today a notice stated that I am getting a fourth class specialists rating which means $15.00 more a month. After a visit at the Stantons Bob Smith and I said good-by because they are moving to York beach. Mrs and Marg. kissed both of us good-by. I got wet walking back. Bed 2:00 A.M.