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June 4, 1941
buildings was a sight for sore eyes. 
The field is very muddy but this is the only objection I can see so far. I was placed in in Building no 44 upstairs. The third bunk from the end. I can look out the window and see the woods. A minute and a half walk and your in the woods. We ate supper at 5:30 Daylight saving time. We had to use our mess kits again tonight. The mess hall is small but it is very clean. After supper some of the fellows and I made a tour of inspection of the field and found it very muddy but very nicely engineered.
We also walked up in the woods where we talked to some small small kids. One of the girls name was Lita McGlory. After riding their bicycle awhile we returned to the barracks where I cleaned up and went to bed. About 9:30 P.M.

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Transcription Notes:
grammar and spelling not corrected