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Wea. Clear August 6 Ther. 80
I got up at 6:20 and after cleaning up I had breakfast. Worked during the day as usual. Made out an early chow card for myself. I'm supposed to be the pay clerk so I'll have to make out the pay roll. Some job if I can do it. I forgot Chas Toner's address so I went up and saw Sgt. Abrahamson. Walley and I wrote some letters and then I went to bed about 11:30.P.M.
Today I went over to Lt. Strickle at Base Inspection and give him the low down on the present set up. He said he was sorry I had to go but when I'm finished at the 43rd Bomb Gp I am welcome to come back to the Base Inspection. He's a swell fellow, he talked to me more like a big brother than our Lieut. He's Tops..

Transcription Notes:
help with names and some words changed Abrahamsson to Abrahamson and inserted words that had ?