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Wea. Clear August 23 Ther. 73

I got up at 6:00 and after cleaning up I had breakfast. During the morning I went over to the Weather Dept. and ask [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Lt. Dally if he could have me assigned to the Weather Sq. until my transfer came through. I hope it will work but if it don't I'll can work with Lt. Strickle for the present time. Lt. Strickle is tops in my opinion. The General came but Maynad went down town so we wouldn't have to stand the inspection. I got some new books at the Liabrary [[library]]. After supper I went to a stag party out at Dressers. It was just a party for drunks. Elwin Black brought me home about 12:30.
I still didn't hear from Judie.