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Wea. Clear- Rain August 25 Ther. 70

I got up at 6:15 and after cleaning up I had breakfast. During the day I spent my time in the Weather Dept. watching [[strikethrough]]watching[[/strikethrough]] the men work. It won't be long now before I am transfered to meteorology. After taking a shower and eating supper I went out to Parsons with Sgt. Busch. I mixed some D-76 and Hypo. After the developer cooled off I developed two rolls of film. One was mine and one was Busch's. A small chip was broken off the bottom of the tank now it has a light leak. I'll have to fix it or buy a new tank. After eating some Ice Cream the Sgt. + I came back to the barracks. After talking to Walley awhile I went to bed about 11:00.