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Wea. clear-Rain
Ther. 98
I got up at 7:00, DST, A.M and after packing I had breakfast. We practiced pitching tents for two hours and by 10:00AM we started for Krallwood. We went over a dirt road and the dust was so thick that one of the trucks missed a curve and went onto the woods about a hundred feet before it stopped. We also got lost so we got to Krallwood about three thirty. We had about a third of the tents up when it started to rain, and did it ever rain. We, including the officers, were soaked to the skin. After putting the tent up in the rain we had chow. I cashed a check and had something to eat at the Pilots club near the field and then went to bed about 8:00 P.M.

Jakes birthday soon.