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Wea. clear
October 1
Ther. 80-100

I got up at 6:15 and after cleaning up I had breakfast. All calls are by bugle now. It seams to add a little color to Army life. At 7:30 A.M. we had Gas mask drill and then we came to work. During the day I studied and worked on a practice synoptic map. After supper I took a shower and went to bed early. Tomorrow we are to move our tents on the other side of the shower. A few more planes came in today. Bed 11:00 P.M.
I went to a movie given by USO's sound truck at Times Square. During the picture a fire started among the 15 20 tents. Gasoline was the cause. By the time I got my camera the fire was out. I then returned and saw the rest of the picture "They met in Argentina." I then went with Dix to answer a long distance call at the field.