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Wea. [[plus sign in a circle]] Cloudy     OCTOBER 7      Ther. 98
Under the influence of a beer party in tent 217 I will attempt to record the happenings of the day.  I got up at 5:30 AM and reported for K.P.  K.P. on the field isn't so bad.  I worked hard and the time went fast.  After supper I washed all the pots and pans in a hurry so I could go to the show given by the N.S.A. I took a quick shower out of a tin basin and then after dressing I went to the show.  "Repent at Leisure" It was very good and when I returned to the tent the gang had a gas light and were in the midst of a beer party.  All the empties were under my bunk.  I filled in my diary and then waited till everyone left.  60 mile cyclone coming by.  Fasten all tents.  Bed