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Wea. Clear     OCTOBER 8       Ther. 101

I got up at 6:15 and after cleaning up I had breakfast.  All day I hauled sand and sawdust to the showers and [[mass?]] hall.  At the afternoon roll call Lt Clark and the mess + medicle [[medical]] officers gave us particular H- [[Hell]] because the camp was so dirty which caused many of the fellows to get Disentry [[dysentery]] or [[diaryery?]].  We worked like fools because we let Lt Clark in for so much hell.  He really is a great guy and so is 1st Sgt. Busch.  There will be a big inspection this coming Saturday so we are doing everything possible so we don't get any more hell.  After work our whole crew went for a swim.  Again, after dark the fellows had another beer party  I fell asleep about 9:30 P.M.