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JANUARY 18    

I got up at 0800M and went to 0830M Mass on the post. After church I wrote a letter home ans. the one of Mothers telling me of Sis. ill health. She has a spot on each lung but with treatment and six months rest she will get well again. Oh God help me that she does. Right after dinner Dee and I went into town where we met Vin.  They went to the dance at the Lincoln room at the Shirley Savoy Hotel. Instead of going along I went to the mts with Mr. Nutterback his wife and three medical soldiers. We visited "Look Out Mt," Buffalo Bills grave, Genesee Park, Red Rock Park. I had a grand time and the scenery is the nicest I have ever seen in my life. Got back by 0730M and went to the show. (Ball of Fire.) Took camera and went back to the base. Bed 2000M. Took about 10 pictures.