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Snow FEBRUARY 8 30

I got up at 0745M and after I cleaned up and got dressed I went to Mass and Communion. The snow was coming down in torrents. After Mass I got my camera and then went into town. I bought some film and then walked up Pearl to Roy apartment. We had lunch. Frances came over so we had waffels. We then drove to the city Park and took some pictures. While Roy played at the Lincoln Room at the Shirley Savoy, Frances and I looked at the Popular photo exhibit at the Liabrary. It was great all the original prints. Then we spent the next of our time looking for Formula DK93 without metal. Fran wanted to help Iris with dinner so I took her up to the apart. I also got some Ice cream for dessert. I then went to the Savoy and took some flash shots of the [[?]]. Charlette and Charles Eckart also were present for dinner. Iris & Charlette went to church so Roy, Chas, Fran and I went up to Chas. darkroom and printed the picts we took last Sunday. They turned out swell. Roy then