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Clear.-Snow.   FEBRUARY 14   40

Up at 0230M. Spent the day straightening up the new labs. After dinner I went to sign the payroll and I found that I had made corporal Feb. 1. What a surprise, I almost dropped over when I saw the payroll. Took my radio to town to have it fixed. Got a haircut. Bought a $2.50 box of candy for Frances and then went to Roy's. Frances and me had dinner. Then went back to her house where we met Joe Carter, her two sisters and brother. We then went to the Episcopal church party. They were only a few couples there so we had a grand time dancing. We had a juke box for the music. Sure had a grand time with Frances. Danced Walzes most of the evening. Took Fran home about 0100M. Then went back to the barracks. Bed about 0145M.