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Up at 0230m. Finished mosaics today.  I didn't eat any lunch so I could take a shower and meet Roy but then we had a short arm inspection and I was about an hour late.  I got my radio and then after helping Roy get some things we went up to his apart.  I then finished painting the bathroom before dinner.  It looks a lot better now.  After dinner Roy dressed and then we went to the Jewish synagog and on the way we picked up Gloria Cohen.  She sure is a swell kid. After I helped Roy set up i returned and picked Iris up and then we went to the Penhani Theater to see Ted Lewis.  He was good but his whole show was just a modern vodeville act.  Iris enjoyed it very much.  After the show we picked Roy up and then went up to their Apts. where I stayed all night.
Retired 0200M.