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Snow-Storm FEBRUARY 28 27

Up at 0230M Had two tests on projection & Aerial film. Made 98% in both. Made a few more projection prints. It snowed all day so when I called Iris she said that the trip was canceled but we would hold the party at Eckerts tonight. After school I ate then got dressed and got paid $53.75. Dee, Vincon & I then met Roy & Charlie at the gate. We then went downtown and I bought a flashgun an Eastman. It's swell, now if it will only work. We then picked up Charletts sister and went up to Eckerts house. About fifteen people were present.  Francis looked charming. After dinner everyone was given a present. I got a Smiling Jack comic book with my picture on. It was swell. I shot eleven flash shots and then we developed the film. It was very disappointing because I only got two faint images on the whole roll. Roy is going to take it back for me Monday. We all had a swell time. Roy brought us out to the field about 2130M. Francis is grand.