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Up at 0800M After cleaning up & getting dressed I took  the street car into town and walked up to Roys. About 1000M we took some portraits for Roys customers. We then rode around town trying to find some 21 B bulbs. I ordered Fran a dozen of Roses for Easter to be delivered Easter morning. I then went to Mass at 1230M at the cathedral. After Mass Roy picked me up and when we got to his apt. I took his picture in Kodacolor. I then took him to the dance at the Shirley Savoy. After I picked Fran up I got Gloria and then we went to the dance. I had a glorious time dancing with Fran. We had to leave at 1630M. Picked Iris up and then took some pictures at the Chaumon[[Chaumont]] Park. While the girls got dinner ready I picked Roy up and then we came back. Dinner was grand. Fran's [[?]] caught [on?] fire but she douced[[doused]] it in water in time. I got a beautiful frame for mother & daddy picture on one side and Frances on the other. Also a little locket with Fran and my pictures in it. The dinner was in my honor. After taking a few pictures All of us went for a walk in the park. The setting was perfect for a nice long walk. And Fran was wonderful, the grandest person  I know. About ten