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Clear           MARCH 31            60 

Up at 0700M. Again I spent the day dodging details. I found out that I come to leave April 2 at 10AM. Got paid $54.92 today. After lunch I dressed and went into town. I got a haircut and the spent the rest of the afternoon in the Colo. Museum. About five I walked up to Roys but he wasn't home so I walked around the block and he picked me up. I invited them out to dinner so then we picked Frances up and went out to the D.U. campus where we  had a wonderful dinner of Virginia Baked Ham. I then took Roy out to Eggerts and Iris home. Fran and I then took Roys car and drove to her friends where we took pictures. It took us until ten-fifteen for all the pictures. I then drove Fran home. We talked awhile and I kissed her good-night. When I got out to Eggerts Roy & Chas just finished printing so Roy then drove me out to the field. Said Good-night and got to bed by 2400M. The C.Q. took my Class A pass but I still hope I can get out tomorrow night.