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April 1 

Up at 0700M. The barracks was a mad house because most of the fellows are pulling out today. Wesley, Vince & Dan and ten others left about ten for March Field. I hated to see them go because we had a great time together. I spent the day listening to the radio and getting my things packed. I then got dressed and went to the theater on the post. I just got out in time to meet Iris, Roy, Fran, Chas, & Chorslett. I could only get outside of the gate so we had to sit there and just talk. I held Frances, Oh! so close. I admire her more & more every day. I certainly hate to leave her. We had a grand time talking and then about ten we followed an M.F. truck around the field just for something to do. I just couldn't say good-night & good-by to them especially Frances. She is so grand, words just fail me when I think of her. About mid-night I bid them all good-by and then went to bed about 2230M.