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Up at 0730E. After cleaning up I had breakfast in the dinner. Arrived in Boston at 0820E. Took a taxi to the north station so I could catch the 0940E train for Portland. On the train I met Rev. Hogen a grand priest. The trip was short because of the good company. Left Portland at 1240E for Bangor. Met Lue on the train and has his company all the way in. It was grand to get back but I still wish I could be at Lowry & near Frances. It was Army Day at the field so I had quite a job getting in. Reported at the 7th Orderly Room and got a place to sleep. New bedding and after making up my bunk, an upper bunk at that.  Called the Parsons and they were surprised to hear from me.  Met Gus at the Orderly room and it was great to see him.  Made plans to go into town tomorrow night.  Bed. 2130E.  Am starting to work in Pliots tomorrow with Lt. White.