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APRIL 19     

Up at 0630E  Ate breakfast and then went up to Dressers where I met Jean.  We then went to 1045E Mass.  Gus came up and we spent the day talking.  When Jean went to visit some friends Mary, Max, Gus & I went to see "Hells-apoppin", which was very good.  When we came back Jean was there, we then had a swell chicken dinner Gus & I bought and Mrs. Dresser prepaired.  After we finished we went over to Rockeys brothers home where we took some pictures and had a grand time talking and joking.  Gus & I said good-night to all and then caught the bus for the field.  Bed 2345E.

Jean is wonderful but my newly developed system didn't get any results.  I had a swell time, though.  If I had time I bet I could get results.

Transcription Notes:
prepaired = prepared