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Clear   JUNE 29    79

Up at 0800E. Worked at the Lab all morning but took the afternoon off. Spaulding is O.K. now. Swell! Ed Yanko and I bummed to Lucern. Mrs. Carter picked us up, what a car! Talked to Lunts & Mrs Small at their cabins then we borrowed their canoe and went for a ride over to Burns Cabin where we had a swell time playing badmitten and talking to Mrs. Burns. On the way back we upset the canoe and had to swim about 1000 feet towing the canoe to shore where we emptied it. We had our shoes and sox on and Yanko his watch. I was lucky I didn't have my camera along. We had supper at Lunts saw Joey. Fixed two flat tires and then Joey & his wife brought us in. Left my camera at town, had a little to eat at the P.G. and then to bed 2345E.