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July 16
Clear  80

Up at 0745E. I dressed and found a place to sleep in T-219. I then went to the lab and got all my things carried over to my bunk. Lt. White, Powers, Geo & I were to fly a mosaic but when we went over to the B-17F they had no parachutes for us, so we had to come back. I took the rest of the day off and went with Gus up to Frans & Vino where I was best man to Guses & Maxes wedding. Gee! I was surprised when they told me. Mary was the brides-maid. It really was interesting. It really was interesting. They were married by a Justice in Brewer and he didn't charge a cent. After we cut the cake and had lunch Gus & Max left on their honeymoon. I hope they are happy. Went from their to Chas. Toner where we just talked and looked at my BeeBee. Came home & went to bed about 2330 E. Had a letter from Walley Walters today written June 20.