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July 31
Up at 0600E.  Drilled until eight.  We got paid at 0830E and i drew $129-, two months pay.  After lunch Ralph & I went into town where we borrowed Mrs. Dressers car so we could go down to Small's cabin.  We met a lot of their relation.  We had the B&H movie camera along so we took some Kodachrome.  The Burns weren't home but we took a few shots of their camp.  Went back to Bangor where we got Mrs. Dresser and then went out to the farm.  We then went with Ken, Mary, May & Gerry down to Smalls.  Went out to an island where we had a roast.  I took a few flash shots.  It started to rain fast as we got back to the cabin.  Mrs. [[Lents ?]] sister brought us back to Bangor we then took a bus out to the field.  Bed 0000E