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Cloudy August 14 85
Up at 0630E. Drilled after breakfast and then spent the day working at the lab. We are now getting things lined up O.K. just so we move in the new lab soon. After supper I went to the U.S.O. and wrote a few letters. From there I went to Chas Toners where we had a swell time talking about photography. I got back to the base & to bed by 2330E. at 0030E the C.Q. woke me because Lt. White wanted me on the phone. There had been an Anson, Canadian plane crash up in the mts. & he wanted me to go along and photograph it. Back to bed about 0100E.

Transcription Notes:
[[?]] looks like "Arson" but doesn't make sense ?? --its Anson, an aircraft made by Avro