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Up at 0600E. I had a little breakfast and then packed the C-3 up in a shelter half and we were off by seven. Our goal was the ridge of Saddle Rock Mt. which we arrived at 1030E after going through about the wildest and roughest country on the face of this earth. We chopped out way through solid walls of spruce underbrush and climbed cliffs so steep we needed a rope for support. I never traveled a rougher 10 mi in my life. After reaching the ridge, we followed it for about a mi & a half where we found the plane about a 100ft from the top. It was a terrific sight burnt wreckage & bodies the stink was terrible. Three men were burnt beyond recognition only their dog tags identified them and one of those were melted. Their brains oozed out of their skulls because of the heat. I photoed everything and then we started back. God was that C-3 heavy. The guides went down the wrong side of the mt. so we had to go all the way back. The last five miles it rained like hell! The camera was the only dry thing we had. God what a trip. Met the trucks about 2mi from camp and when we arrived we had nothing to eat because of some ones bull-headedness[[arrow pointing to next page]]