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Cloudy August 18 90
Up at 0800E. All fellows on the search were excused from drill for a few days. I worked at the lab most of the day. After supper I came back to the lab where I met Mayo and he said he was going on Foreign service. Newfoundland. Since they ask for my classification for a job up there, about a month ago, I was quite inquisitive. So Lt. White called Capt. Duby and found that T/Sgt J.A. Meyer was on the list. That's me alright but to be sure I went to the orderly room where I ask Cpt. Nelson. He showed me the orders for my departure and also my promotion to T/sgt. I spent about an hour putting on my new stripes. Then I met Hobbs and we went down to his house. From there I went down to ChasTown and said good-by Then I came back to Hobbs apt. where I stayed all night. Bed 0100E.