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Clear - Rain - Clear  AUGUST 26  80

Up at 1000E. Worked around the lab most of the day. Wrote a card home. Had a letter from Midge asking what happened to me. I'm so ashamed of myself I'll wait until I get to Newfoundland for an excuse she is starting her vacation on the 28th and she wanted me to get a 3 day pass and come to Boston so we could have a good time together. She is another grand girl I like very much. For the little while I've known her, she is more than a friend to me. It's been over a year that I've known her now and she has grown & filled out quite a bit. She's getting to be quite a glammor girl now but still I have a good chance with her. (I hope) After supper i went into Town and had a swell time as usual. Mrs. told me that when I come back they'll be an addition to the family. She is another swell blonde. And they do facinate me. Was invited down to supper some night if I don't leave to soon. Bed 2400E.