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Clear  AUGUST 29  85

Up at 0430E. What a night?  Almost everyone was drunk and made a terrific noise all night. I cleaned up and had breakfast about 0530E. By 0630E. we were all ready so we went to the station by G.I. truck where we boarded a troop train with about a hundred sailors. Left Bangor at 0715E. The following is the route we took, Bangor, Old Town, Lincoln, Me, Vanceboro, N.B. McAdams, St John where we stopped for an hour. I sent Sis, Jean, H.B. & Mother a card. Then on to Apohoque[[Apohaqui]], Sussex, Monor[[Moncton??]], Sackville, Amherst, N.B. where I went to sleep in the pullman. We had our meals in a swell diner. Shearer, Strozzner[[?]] and Senercia[[?]] made a terrific noise all the way on the train. I was asleep but we arrived in Halifax about 0100E. Didn't sleep very well. Was on the bottom berth with Caroll. It was to hot. Read most of the way. Every time I closed my eyes I thought of Helen Beth. Maybe I can make the grade. We are now on Atlantic War Time.

Transcription Notes:
Moncton is the only town between Sussex and Sackville that makes any sense.