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Clear September 8  70
Up at 0645A. Worked at the lab most of the day looking over the files and T.O.'s and just getting the lay of the land. M/Sgt. Rushing gave me a key to the rear door so I can practice in the lab. After supper I played a few scales and tunes until my lip tired out. Wrote a letter to Helen Beth and one to M.D. I hope by using a little diplomacy and psychology I can induce H.B. to forget Jack and come over on my side of the fence. Bed 2330A. More noise by that gang of drunks next door. Their I.Q. must be down around zero. Their conversation stinks. 

The P.X. here is a mess. All they have is a few cans of fruit juices and a small selection of candy. And a few different kinds of tobacco. Newfey bolos are working in it and what a "Sad Sack" they are.

Transcription Notes:
Newfey bolo - derogatory term for a person from Newfoundland