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Clear  September 16  73
Up at 0645A.  Worked at the Lab most of the day.  Sgt. Rushing and the others are all ready to leave for the States.  They are waiting for the transports to come in from Presque Isle.  There will only be 5 of us left when they go.  Starting today all the personall have to drill every Mon, Wed and Fri with rifles and side arms for 3/4 of an hour, 1315A to 1400A.  Even the Colonel drilled.  He is a swell guy.  He also makes all the officers drill too.  At the dance we only had two saxes so I didn't play the trumpet.  I danced with a few girls from the W.A.A.F.  They were swell.  One's name was Margory Dietzer.  They called her Midget and she was from Alberta on the West Coast.  Had a swell time for a change.  It breaks up the monotony of life on the field.  Bed 2330A.