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Clear | SEPTEMBER 30 | 65
Up at 0655A. On the way to the mess hall air raid alarm went off so I had to go back for my mask & pistol. I had a can & a half of orange juice for breakfast. The alert lasted until 0930A. We were paid at 1030A. I received $95.81 about $25 short. During the afternoon I worked on ident and portraits. Made a good one of Capt. Walker. Better then[[than]] Pfuhl makes. Smith was so lit up that he slept most of the day.  Drilled for an hour after lunch. I went to the show "Blonde Blessed event" where I met  Midget. I went to the dance with her for awhile. And after arranging a date for Friday evening. I went down to the lab and practiced on the sax. My tone is getting a little better. Saw Bill Foster today and he is going to give me a lesson tomorrow evening. Read until 0015A. Had a physical today.  Got a creme for my rash.