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Clear  October 2 | 70 |

Up at 0700A. During the day I printed and finished pictures. Fixed up the files. brought them up to date. After dinner we drilled and then I went out on the rifel range and fired the M-I Garand. I made 37 out of a possible 50. Two complete misses six in the bull eye and two outside. The range was 1000 in. I still flinch when I pull the trigger. After supper I met Margret Minchin on the Canadian side and then we went to the show. "This gun for Hire." Very good except for Veronica Lake, Who is a flop in my opinion. I walked Midge back to barracks where we talked for about an hour. She seems to be quite a nice girl. I have another date Sunday afternoon. Read awhile and bed by 0015A.