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Clear - Rain  OCTOBER 12  65

Up at 0730. No breakfast I guess I'm just to lazy to go over for it. We finished up that mosaic of Snelgrove. I got some equipment from the A.C Supply which took up most of the day. After supper I took a shower and Mac & I met Midge & her girl friend Dottie Brown a quite good looking kid. We went to a concert given by the R.C.A.F. band. It was quite good. And later they had a dance. I danced every one with Midge. I'm getting to like her more every day in a very mild sort of a way. H.B. is still my favorite always was & always will be even though I don't have a chance. Chas. Bill Fosters brother composed a new tune and is so far unnamed. In my opinion Chas. Flop would be my title. Walked Midge to the barracks. She is quite bashful unless she has other reasons. Bed 2400A.