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Clear     OCTOBER 13     65

Up at 0735A. I've decided to sleep mornings instead of having breakfast. Spent the day getting supplies from A.C. Supply. Also made some enlargements for S/L Turnbull of the Ferry Command. I received my letter from Strickle Lt. and also ask Shebby our 1st Sgt. for a letter of recommendation. I intend to take my physical tomorrow. I went to the show I forget the name of it now. The newfies are putting steampipes thru our room and what a mess. Had a letter from H.B. today and it was a swell lift in morale. She is even sending kisses at the end of her letters now. I really want her and I think I can get her if I try hard enough. Started to read the lines of great Composers. Bach, Handle [[Handel]], Hydan [[Haydn]], Mortzart [[Mozart]]. It's really a swell book. [[strikethrough]] Wrote to Sis + sent her $2.00. [/strikethrough]] Bed 2330A.