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Clear    OCTOBER 14     65

Up at 0730A. Got my letter from Shebby for the physical which six of us started about 0900 and it took all day. Had a chest X-ray teeth examined. After a year & a half I only have 5 cavities and of course have to have 3 teeth pulled. I don't like the idea but if I want to go to Signal Corp School and be a 2nd Lt. I'll have to have it done. After supper Mac and I met Midge and Brownie and we went to the show "My Favorite Spy" saw it at Daw Field. After the show we went to the dance at the rec hall. I had a swell time with Midge. I'm even more convinced that she hasen't been around very much. But she is a lot of fun and very good company. I gave her her pictures and she liked them a lot. Read awhile and went to bed about 0015A what a mess our room is.