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Clear  OCTOBER 18  45

Up at 1010A. Rushed so I could make 1030A mass. During mass at which I received communion the fire siren blew and later I found out that a Hudson crashed and burned near the Ferry Command Hangers. Everyone was hurt but no deaths. After dinner 1st Sgt. Shebby called as ask me to be a pall bearer again for another of the Botwood victims who insisted on coming to the top of the ocean. We buried him at the usual place on Boot Hill near the radio towers. This is getting monotonus. After supper I met Midge and we went to the show. "The Spoilers." 2nd time I saw it. tomorrow night I have a date again to go to a concert at the R.C.A.F. Rec. Hall. The band went to Coner Brook for ten days so I doubt if it'll be very good. Wrote a letter home and one to H.B. Bed 0015.