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Clear - Rain  OCTOBER 24  50

Up at 0900A. I worked all day making enlargments of Joan Blondell at hanger seven. All together made about 80, 8x10 enlargments. Stayed late after supper & washed them. Cleaned up and then went over to Mrs. Aiyden's house to take pictures of Col. Fickel's farwell party but when I arrived they had just left for the Officers Club. So I went over there where I joined Scallon and we shot up about sixty flash shots of the Dance in honor of Joan Blondell & Cast. I also took six Kodachrome shots. Hope they'll be ok. Had a glass of wine and a lunch after the dance was over. Got to bed about 0100A. The wine was a little strong I could feel it. California muskedel [[Muscadel]]. Joan Blondell's actions are all like they are in the movies all to add to her glamour.