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Low Cummulous.        Friday.
Clear. Clouds.     NOVEMBER 6               55
Up at 0630A. Very Early. Had breakfast west barracks. Reported to Col Meyer with 2 lts. + Smitty. He was very inconsiderate with his instructions. He told us what to do and we were to do it regardless of all the obstacles. We drove to Tonbay Airport, which is run by the Canadians. Just a small field. Took off at 1100A. When we got to 13,000 there were to many low Cummulous clouds so we made some dry runs and some pin points.  Smitty took the picture while I sat in the bombiders seat and guided the plane over the field Tonbay and Ft. Pepperrill. We made 2 of each at the following altitudes. 14,000, 12,000, 10,000. What a view from out in front. Was up 2 1/2 hrs and used oxygen most of the time, without it the least bit of exertion made your head reel. Landed at 1430A. Returned to Fort Pepperrill. Had chow at the P.X. Looked over Eng. & S.C Photo Labs and met Lt Col. Cooper S.C. Wrote H.B. Bed 2300A.

Transcription Notes:
Ft. Pepperrell is in Newfoundland, Canada--he spells it here as Pepperrill