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Low Cumulous NOVEMBER 7 45

Up at 0630A. After breakfast and cleaning up we went out to Tonbay by truck. We stayed around the field all day. The clouds were to numerous and to low for any photos. Once after lunch we took off but it started to get worse so we landed again. We changed our side laps from 50 to 60% and that now gives us about 495 exp [[exposure]]. We all reported to Col. Meyers office and as usual he chewed us out again for things out of our controll [[control]]. I think I could have made a fool out of him for being so unreasonable but who am I, just an enlisted man. We had chow at the mess hall and then went down to the Eng. Lab. and developed the shots we took yesterday. Ken Gun the Lab Chief is a grand guy. Most of the shots are good but had a double exp. on the first shot because of the magazine. On the way back to the barracks Smitty + I went to the show a Jean Autry picture. Returned to the barracks and then went to bed about 2330A.