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Low Cumulous [[Cumulus]]
November 21

Up at 0800A. Worked all morning at the lab getting things again because we are to take off for Torbay this afternoon. The clouds were low so we flew at about 1000' all the way down. It was uneventful as usual. Took some Kodachrome down to the Eng Lab to Ken and a few flash bulbs for Mary. She is still a swell kid. After supper I went to the shows "The Lone Life of Edgar Allen Poe." It was good. Bed 2300A.

Had a letter from Mother & H.B. and they were both excited about the watch I sent H.B. If I push things a little further I'm sure I can win H.B. I'm sure going to try. Bought a swell Radio at the P.X. RCA Victor $42.50. I only had 20.00 so I borrowed 10 from Corp. Miller and 15 from Lt Merrium. Wrote to Mac to send $25.00 soon as he can.

Transcription Notes:
grammar and spelling not corrected. Corrected "cumulus". All other words are fine.