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Up at 0635A. Again I had to miss Mass because I had to be at the Airport all morning. We had dinner back at Ft. Pepperrell and since the B-18 went back to Gander with General Brant, Smitty and I slept most of the afternoon. About four we went into St. Johns and walked around the city. What a place. The hills are steeper then those at Oil City and those are steep. We then went back to the USO where we had a little to eat. I wrote a letter to Midge. Smitty introduced me to a red headed babe. She was quite nice and for some reason she first gave me the go ahead signal so I stayed with her all evening. Her name Loretta Heartey. Very nice personality but a bit anxious. I personally don't care much for her but it's something different so I'll just go along for the fun of it. About 2300A. I walked her home and we did have a good time. I kissed her good-night and then caught the bus back to the Ft. Pep.  
Bed 2400A.

Transcription Notes:
grammar and spelling not corrected Ft. Pepperrell is in Newfoundland